Timelessly beautiful, useful, and long-lived objects.
About the Studio
Husted is a small ceramic studio in Calgary, Canada, established on the principles of beauty and quality.
Everything you'll find in the store has been meticulously formed and finished by Kate Husted in her Inglewood studio, using traditional tools and methods.
In addition to production, the studio also comprises a classroom offering a guided deep dive into wheel-throwing, and a dedicated member area for those interested in part-time, independant practice.

About Kate
Kate began wheel-throwing in 2009 while in university, needing a counterbalance to books. Coming from a long line of craftspeople, her love of clay is rooted in a natural affinity for materials and precision work.
Her appreciation of the details and adherence to a fewer better approach to collecting informs her making as well as her teaching style.
As a craftsperson, she works at both the seeable and unseeable things that make a good pot, and finds a lot of satisfaction in a sharp line or the smooth clink of a well-fitting lid.
As an instructor, she works at finding just the right words to convey the subtleties of timing and movement that wheel-throwing requires, and gets a big thrill from watching her students' eyes widen with sudden understanding. She began teaching in 2019.